London Open Labour Launch

Come to the launch of Open Labour London which will include a panel discussion and the Inaugural AGM electing the London Committee

The event will start with a panel discussion on how we can use the power Labour has in London to resist the agenda of Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson through the Mayor of London, London Councils and the membership strength of Labour in London out in our communities.

The panel will feature leading figures from the London Assembly and London Councils.

We will also have the inaugural AGM where the Open Labour London Constitution will be agreed and the election of the Committee including a Chair, Vice-Chair for Membership, Secretary, Treasurer, Campaigns Officer, Media and Communications Officer, LGBT+ Officer, Women’s Officer, Disability Officer, BAME Officer and Youth Officer. The Committee will also have 12 ordinary places divided into North, East, West and South with 3 places in each which must include at least 1 BAME and 1 Women’s place.

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