Open Labour model motion to Branches and CLPs on holding a Brexit Special Conference
Please see below a model motion to call for a Special Conference on Brexit. We urge you to take this to your CLPs and branches.
It has now become a near certainty that the Government will be unable to force Theresa May’s exit agreement (the Tory Deal) through Parliament, and a no-deal Brexit with huge negative economic consequences for every part of the UK has now become a very real prospect.
This branch/CLP [DETELE AS APPROPRIATE] therefore believes it is now imperative for the Labour Party to have a settled position on approach regarding Brexit, for going into a general election.
Our internal democracy is the most vital part of our party decision making process. When facts change its important to go back to our sovereign
There is Precedent as Harold Wilson called a Special Conference prior to the first European Referendum. Ed Miliband was the most recent leader to call a Special Conference to
This branch/CLP resolves to send this resolution immediately to National Executive Committee members, copied to the Office of the Leader of the Labour Party.