Open Labour National Online Conference – ‘Politics of Hope’

With Covid, Brexit, climate change, and the global rise of the far-right, politics feels quite bleak.

So Open Labour wants to create a ‘Politics of Hope’: a new agenda within Labour taking on the immediate Covid challenge and the long term challenges around climate change, automation, a broken electoral system, global inequality and more.

We are holding an online conference on Sunday 21 March 2021 which will include workshops, discussions and debates with politicians, campaigners and minds from across the movement.

We are proud to say that our primary sponsor is the Electoral Reform Society.

Early confirmed speakers include:

Cllr Alice Perry – Vice-Chair of Labour’s NEC
James Meadway – Former advisor to the Shadow Chancellor
Nadia Whittome MP
Alex Sobel MP
Clive Lewis MP
Ann Black – Labour NEC member and chair of the party’s National Policy Forum
Paul Sweeney – Former MP for Glasgow North East
Laura Parker – Labour for a New Democracy
Jermain Jackman

With many many more to come, including keynote and international speakers…

See below for an outline of the programme

The workshop sessions run by Open Labour and our constituent bodies will be used discuss and build policy positions which can be used when we are able to have an in-person policy conference.

Tickets are £15 waged and £10 unwaged. Click here to book a ticket.

Open Labour members can get a £5 discount on their tickets – check your emails for the code to get the discount.


We will also fulfil the constitutional requirement for an AGM  at the conference, as we don’t know when we can have an in person AGM. AGM tickets need to be registered separately and this will be a members only event. The AGM will be for presentations of reports and constitutional amendments only. To book for the AGM Open Labour members should check their emails.

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