Open Labour NEC Candidates

Open Labour balloted our members to endorse candidates in the Labour Party National Executive Committee Elections. 

The candidates  chosen by Open Labour members are:

CLPs (Div. III)

Ann Black
Jermain Jackman


George Lindars-Hammond

Labour Councillors (Div. IV)

Alice Perry

We believe our 4 candidates can make a big difference on the NEC. The NEC has to ensure that the Labour Party is well governed with many governance challenges facing it in the bear future. Our candidates have a wealth of governance experience in Local Authorities, Trade Unions, Community Organisations and the Arts as well as 2 of them having over 20 years of NEC service. The other aspect is political and sadly the NEC has been a divided place with 2 large blocs dominating, one of the reasons to introduce STV is to create a broader, less polarised NEC and electing our candidates will provide that balance which has been sorely missing. Our candidates will always put Labour first above sectarian interests.

CLPs are now holding nomination meetings. You can download our leaflet here for your CLP Nomination Meeting

We also have a CLP nomination graphic here and a Labour Group nomination graphic here

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