Open Labour Podcast Episode 18 – Ukraine Special by James Gibson and Tom Hinchcliffe | 19.03.22 | In: Podcast Open Labour's latest Podcast is With Former MEP and Open Labour Julie Ward who went to Ukraine just days before the Invasion and left the day before... Read More
MODEL MOTION: Solidarity with Ukraine by Open Labour | 16.03.22 | In: News Please table this Motion at your Labour Party Branch or Constituency Labour Party 1. This CLP/branch condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a crime of... Read More
National Committee Elections 2021 Candidate Statements by Open Labour | 22.07.21 | In: Uncategorised There are 32 candidates for the Open Labour National Committee. You can read the statements here:   OLNC 2021 Elections - Candidates... Read More
The New Foundations Book by Open Labour | 21.03.21 | In: General, News, Uncategorised Open Labour and Politics for the Many are delighted to present 'The New Foundations' The publication comes amid growing pressure for Labour to adopt... Read More
Open Labour NEC Candidates by Open Labour | 23.07.20 | In: Uncategorised Open Labour balloted our members to endorse candidates in the Labour Party National Executive Committee Elections. The candidates  chosen by Open Labour... Read More
NEC Endorsement Ballot by Open Labour | 06.07.20 | In: Uncategorised Open Labour is running a ballot for Full Members which is open now and closes on Thursday 9th July at Midday. The candidates in each section... Read More
Statements for Open Labour Candidates by Open Labour Elections Team | 01.06.20 | In: Uncategorised On this page you can find all the statements for candidates in the Open Labour National Committee Elections 20/21 Below are PDF download of the statements... Read More
Result of the Endorsement Ballot for the Labour Leadership by Open Labour | 31.01.20 | In: Governance Between the 25th and 30th January Open Labour balloted its members and the results were as follows: Deputy Leader 1. Angela Rayner 2. Rosena... Read More
Protecting the Earth’s Green Lungs by Alex Sobel | 17.10.19 | In: Comment Environmental Campaigners talk about the Climate Crisis and Climate Emergency but Climate is only half the picture with an Ecological Crisis emerging in... Read More
BREXIT – time to pause, reflect and take a deep breath by Alex Sobel | 21.09.19 | In: Comment The grave situation that the UK currently faces with Brexit is undoubtedly the greatest political crisis in modern British memory. In less than six weeks... Read More