Open Labour member survey by Amrita Rose, Membership & Engagement Officer | 03.05.20 | In: Uncategorised Thank you for responding to our survey – we value your opinion greatly. Please be clear and brief if you can, but please also provide reasons for your... Read More
Social Action and its Limits by James Gibson | 26.07.19 | In: Comment In this year’s local elections, I lost my seat on Leeds City Council to the Liberal Democrats. The seat covers a predominantly Remain area and was... Read More
Open Labour Committee 2019/20 by Open Labour | 25.07.19 | In: Governance The following (listed alphabetically) have been elected to serve on the Open Labour committee 2019/20. Ralph Berry Emma Burnell Jake Cable Anisha... Read More
Labour must change Brexit course before it’s too late by Open Labour | 28.05.19 | In: Comment There’s no spinning this – these elections were a disaster for Labour. We bled votes almost entirely to Parties who supported Remain and halved our... Read More
Open Labour Winter Policy Conference Report by Tom Miller | 09.03.19 | In: Comment Since we had our Winter Policy Conference there has been a formal split in the PLP, Labour has come out for a second referendum and Chris Williamson has been... Read More
“It is the Labour Party or nothing” – Open Labour statement by Open Labour National Committee | 18.02.19 | In: General We at Open Labour view the split from the Labour Party as a step backwards for open politics within Labour, and for the communities our party represents. Many... Read More
Messaging mistakes cost Remain dearly, they must not be repeated by Oliver Coppard | 09.02.19 | In: Comment When the Britain Stronger in Europe Field team gathered in Solihull in January 2016 to discover what messages would form the backbone of our campaign to... Read More
Reflections on Open Labour by Open Labour | 29.01.19 | In: Comment In Open Labour, we represent what has traditionally been called the Soft Left of the Labour Party.  Internationalists We are internationalists,... Read More
How a State gets Captured by Carl Rowlands | 25.01.19 | In: Comment From the early 2000s onwards, Hungary was to become a leading indicator of what politics was to largely become everywhere in the 2010s. My film ‘State... Read More
Lexit is the wrong kind of utopianism by Richard Douglas | 25.01.19 | In: Comment In 2007 Larry Elliott, the Guardian’s economics editor, co-published a book on the cracks  beneath the surface of New Labour’s political success.... Read More
A new party may not be a threat to Corbyn—but his own membership could be by Open Labour | 17.01.19 | In: Comment Open Labour Co-Chair has a piece on the Prospect website arguing that the threat to the Corbyn project of disappointing members is not well enough understood.... Read More
Open Labour: Why you should join our policy conference by Steve Lapsley | 16.01.19 | In: Comment Open Labour National Committee member Steve Lapsley has written for LabourList looking forward to our conference on the 26th January. 2018 was a... Read More