Open Labour Calls for Brexit Special Conference
The Open Labour National Committee has decided to add their backing to the call made by the TSSA union for Labour to have an emergency special conference to clarify the Party’s Brexit policy and support Jeremy Corbyn’s call in 2016 to retain and reform. We will be putting this call to a vote with a motion at our Policy Conference in January.
In the volatile situation triggered by Theresa May refusing to table her Withdrawal Agreement for a vote and the Tory No Confidence Vote exposing the scale of opposition to Theresa May in the Conservatives, it is vital Labour has a settled position going into a General Election.
This move comes after Open Labour published a Pamphlet this summer ‘The Left’s Relationship with Europe.’ outlining the Brexit options and an approach the left should take to Europe. The Pamphlet was produced jointly with Unison and co-authored by Alex Sobel MP, Catherine West MP, Yanis Varoufakis and TSSA General Secretary Manuel Cortes.
Leeds North West MP and Open Labour Committee member Alex Sobel said:
“Our internal democracy is the most vital part of our party decision making process. When facts change its important to go back to our sovereign policy making body, Labour Party Conference, to make the decisions. With 29th March 2019 rapidly approaching it’s important that our members have the final say in what our position should be before a General Election. We all understand that our leadership is managing a very difficult balancing act well. I hope that they will see our members as vital in getting our party to stand united at this time of crisis and get the best resolution for our party, the communities we represent and everyone in this Country whether they voted leave or remain.’
Open Labour co-chair Emma Burnell said:
“The government is in chaos and is headed towards a hard, devastating Brexit. Now is the time for the Labour leadership, MPs, Trade Unions and Labour Party members to step up and show the leadership this country needs and offer the country a way out of the appalling mess the Tories have left us in.”