Open Labour: Rebuilding Labour Together by Open Labour | 21.09.20 | In: General Open Labour is supporting Ann Black, Jermain Jackman, George Lindars-Hammond and Alice Perry in the elections for Labour’s National Executive Committee... Read More
Our 10 pledges for leadership contenders by Open Labour | 22.12.19 | In: Governance Open Labour believes there is no one part of the Labour movement with all of the solutions we need to take us forward. It is important that we not only listen... Read More
Building an Open Left by Sonja Lokar | 10.01.19 | In: Comment The issues for the Open Left are well-known to us. Accelerated globalisation has dramatically altered the social structures of societies in Europe and... Read More
The Story of Conference by Open Labour | 28.09.18 | In: Editorial Conference began with the expectation that it would be inward facing and fractious. Instead, Conference was coherent and, on the whole, united in purpose. The... Read More
In Support of Keir Starmer’s Brexit Speech by Open Labour | 25.09.18 | In: General Open Labour commends the speech delivered by Keir Starmer today, putting forward a positive vision for our future relationship with Europe, based on our... Read More
Angela Rayner’s Speech to Conference by Open Labour | 25.09.18 | In: Comment When Labour forms the next government we are going to have to deal with a legacy of education mismanagement by the Tories which has resulted in more than one... Read More
Open Labour Welcomes John MCDonnell’s Speech on the Future of the Economy under a Lab... by Open Labour | 25.09.18 | In: Comment This was a confident, coherent speech from a Shadow Chancellor ready for government with a radical plan to transform our economy for the many.   It was... Read More
Building an inclusive open left in a period of cultural chaos by Open Labour | 22.09.18 | In: General We often characterise ourselves as the Party of equality and wear it as a badge of honour, and, when those from marginalised groups highlight discrepancies of... Read More
NEC result shows need for voting reform by Open Labour | 03.09.18 | In: General Open Labour are very proud to have supported Ann Black for the NEC. Ann is exactly the kind of rigorous, fair, left wing and independently-minded socialist we... Read More
Owning the Future: The Left’s Relationship with Europe by Open Labour | 02.08.18 | In: Editorial In collaboration with UNISON and TSSA, Open Labour has produced its first-ever pamphlet ‘Owning the Future: The Left’s Relationship with Europe’ which... Read More
Statement on Peter Willsman by Open Labour | 01.08.18 | In: Editorial Open Labour strongly condemns Peter Willsman’s comments at the most recent NEC meeting. We wish to make clear our position that views and actions like... Read More
Open Labour calls on the NEC to release the Anti-Semitism Working Party Report and unde... by Open Labour National Committee | 09.07.18 | In: Editorial Open Labour fully agreed with the statement issued on behalf of the Party leadership (December 2016) which reinforced the leader’s commitment to the IHRA... Read More